Our core principle is to create value for our clients.
Our clients' success is our success. Experience tells us that the only way to achieve our long-term vision and goal is by consistently, reliably delivering value to our clients.
We aim to be the best, not necessarily the biggest, in every business we operate.
We are highly selective, both in the clients we choose to work with, and in the areas that we make our focus. We choose only the areas where we can deliver significant value to our clients.
We choose long-term potential over short-term gains.
China renaissance has worked with numerous early stage entrepreneurs, and supported them every step along the way as their companies grow and prosper. Although our business is measured by transactions, we place greater value on the long-term relationships that we maintain with our clients.
Every client is unique to us.
We work hard to understand the evolving needs of each client, and strive to provide customized and innovative solutions to every client.
We put the client first.
Our long-term relationships are built by always putting the client's interests above our own.
We are one firm. We mobilize all of our resources to help our clients.
Our willingness and commitment to help clients access all of our resources, across the firm and beyond, is the secret to our success. It is our distinguishing feature and our competitive advantage. The one firm mentality is built into our company culture. It stems from the trust, loyalty, and long-term relationships that our people have both with the firm and with each other.
Our reputation is our greatest asset.
We uphold all government policies, laws, regulations, and the highest standard of ethics, without exception.